Nicole's paper studying induction of synaptic changes was accepted by the Journal of Neuroscience. Way to go, Nicole! Apparently, Matthew owes her a hat.

Matthew lectured at the Ion Channels course. In person! It is always great to go there and talk about N, P, and Q, and count M&Ms. This year recording minis in the cerebellum went pretty well. Thanks to Annalisa Scimemi, Nicolas Wanaverbecq, Jan Grundemann, Christine Grienberger, and Teresa Giraldez (who I didn't meet) for organizing the course and inviting me along!

Soham Chanda at Colorado State included us on a project converting excitatory neurons to inhibitory by overexpressing just 3 proteins, VGAT, GAD65, and GAD67. It just came out in Nature Communications. Thanks for involving us, Soham!