Matthew gave a talk at the University of Michigan Medical School, entitled "Synaptic and Intrinsic Adaptations for Enhancing Reliability in an Auditory Relay". It was great to hear about all the interesting work going one there, to see old acquaintances, and to make new ones.

Tenzin showed a poster at the Neurocience Research Day. The title was: "Effects of Noise Exposure on Detection of Sound Features in vivo by Units in the Cochlear Nucleus". He won 3rd prize, as judged against 45 posters total. Great job, Tenzin!

The Buffalo Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience held its annual Research Day today. The meeting was organized by Matthew Paul. Matthew X-F is part of the organizing committee, and organized the poster judging. Tenzin showed a poster about his in vivo work.
This was a record year for posters (45+), and we had 18 judges.
Margaret McCarthy from UMD gave the keynote address, which was excellent both in style and content.
I forgot to take any pictures, so I'm afraid this picture is from two years ago.