Matthew made his annual pilgrimage to the Ion Channels course at Cold Spring Harbor. The lecture and lab went very well this year, although the M&M's demonstration was marred by one student's finding a half a quantum, which seems illegal. It is always fun to share in the intense and energetic atmosphere. Matthew owes this opportunity to Stephan Brenowitz, who invited him to take part many years ago. Matthew also found time to catch up with Connor Cook, who is attending NYITCOM nearby.

Matthew, Nicole, and Maggie attended the IHLC in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. The program committee, spear-headed by Steve Lomber, put together a terrific group of talks and posters, with really interesting and varied perspectives. Matthew managed to sneak in a rather cellular talk about the effects of noise on synapses, and Nicole presented a poster of her work. The venue was really beautiful, and commuting each day past blooming cherry orchards made for a memorable week.

Matthew was invited by Hai Huang to give a talk to the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at Tulane. It was great to meet with the faculty there, and to enjoy the idyllic weather.