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Matthew and Nicole went to the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Nicole showed a poster about her work. We also met up with previous lab members Tenzin Ngodup and Gabriel Si.

Matthew gave a talk to the Department of Otolaryngology and the Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center at the University of Washington. The weather was gloomy, but the place was full of vitality and energy. He met with lots of people, and caught up with several old acquaintances. All were doing really interesting work. It was a great visit.

The lab got together at the Xu-Friedman house to mark Victoria's departure. She goes off to Albany for a Master's program in Forensics. Her going-away gift was her favorite genotyping result, rendered in blanket form by Sophie X-F. We hope this will be a good memento. And so practical too! Best of luck to Victoria in her new endeavors!

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