Mar 22, 2023
Matthew catches up with Jonas
On his way back from Hannover, Matthew dropped by Göttingen and caught up with Jonas Fisch, who learned dynamic clamp in the lab three...

Mar 21, 2023
Matthew gives a talk at Ti-Ho
Matthew travelled to Germany, to the Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover. He was invited to participate in a symposium about the...

Mar 10, 2023
Xf Lab celebrates the good things
The lab upholds the tradition of celebrating good news with a lab lunch. Congratulations to Sydney and Alex on their acceptances to...

Mar 8, 2023
Jarrod gives a talk on his project
Jarrod presents his work on reconstructed 3D images of the cochlear nucleus at the Biological Sciences MA seminar. Great job, Jarrod!!